Monday, January 28, 2008

Falência da crítica, em inglês

O site americano de arte colocou hoje no ar um artigo meu, The Bankruptcy of Criticism. Quem tiver interesse em ler e comentar, clique no link

Monday, January 28th

The Bankruptcy of Criticism, by Luciano Trigo

It is more or less consensual, even among artists themselves, that art criticism lost relevance and power. This happens not only in Brazil: in the United States, England and France it has been the subject matter of heated debates. It is unimaginable the appearance today of a Clement Greenberg (photo) or a Harold Rosenberg, for example, who both exerted a decisive influence in the American Arts in the 50s, 60s and 70s, or, in Brazil, a Mario Pedrosa, who helped building our critical discourse on Modernism. (Nevertheless, Greenberg still is the name which is immediately associated to the figure of the art critic, since contemporary production did not generate any relevant critics - Arthur Danto is too committed with the thesis of the "end of art" to assume that role). (continua)


Crônica da guerra de classes said...

fala luciano
gostaria que você assistisse o meu curta e se possível fizesse alguma crítica.

Rafael Dambros said...

Ola tudo bem...
adorei seu blog. gostei muito dos textos.
visite o meu blog e me dê sua opinião também.
Abraço Rafael